author:一佰互联 2019-04-27   click:192



switch (expression){case label1: code to be executed if expression = label1; break; case label2: code to be executed if expression = label2; break;default: code to be executed if expression is different from both label1 and label2;}


switch($i){  case 1:    echo 1;    break;  case 2:    echo 2;    break;  default:    echo "others";}


<?phpheader("content-type:text/html;charset=utf8");$score=50;switch($score) { case $score>=90 && $score<=100:  echo "优<br>";  break; case $score>=80 && $score<90:  echo "良<br>";  break; case $score>=70 && $score<80:  echo "中<br>";  break; case $score>=60 && $score<70:  echo "及格<br>";  break; case $score>=0 && $score<60:  echo "不及格<br>";  break; default:  echo"成绩输入错误<br>";}?>


<?php  //switch细节  //情况一:数值匹配的时候自动转换成字串  $a=1;  switch($a){   case "1":     echo "hello1";     break;   default:     echo "sorry none is the same!";     break;  }  echo "<br/>"."成功退出····";  echo "<hr/>";   //情况二:数值匹配的时候自动转换成字符  $a=1;  switch($a){   case "1":     echo "hello2";     break;   default:     echo "sorry none is the same!";     break;  }  echo "<br/>"."成功退出····";  echo "<hr/>";   //情况三:字符匹配的时候自动转换成数值  $a="1";  switch($a){   case 1:     echo "hello3";     break;   default:     echo "sorry none is the same!";     break;  }  echo "<br/>"."成功退出····";  echo "<hr/>";   //情况四:字串匹配的时候自动转换成数值  $a="1";  switch($a){   case 1:     echo "hello4";     break;   default:     echo "sorry none is the same!";     break;  }  echo "<br/>"."成功退出····";  echo "<hr/>";   //情况五:float也可以匹配  $a=1.1;  switch($a){   case 1.1:     echo "hello5";     break;   default:     echo "sorry none is the same!";     break;  }  echo "<br/>"."成功退出····";  echo "<hr/>";   //情况六:非0是true  $a=true;  switch($a){   case 1:     echo "hello6";     break;   case true:     echo "hello61";     break;   default:     echo "sorry none is the same!";     break;  }  echo "<br/>"."成功退出····";  echo "<hr/>";   //情况七:能匹配boolean  $a=true;  switch($a){   case true:     echo "hello7";     break;   case 2:     echo "hello71";     break;   default:     echo "sorry none is the same!";     break;  }  echo "<br/>"."成功退出····";  echo "<hr/>";   //情况八:能匹配null  $a=null;  switch($a){   case 2://"" "" false 0 都能进入     echo "hello8";     break;   case null:     echo "hello81";     break;   default:     echo "sorry none is the same!";     break;  }  echo "<br/>"."成功退出····";  echo "<hr/>";   //情况九:退出顺序  $a=5;  switch($a){   case 1:     echo "hello6";     break;   case 2:     echo "我是2号出口";     break;   case 5:     echo "我是5号出口";     //break;   case true:     echo "hello61";     break;   default:     echo "sorry none is the same!";     break;  }  echo "<br/>"."成功退出····";  echo "<hr/>";   //情况十:退出顺序  $a=50;  switch($a){   default:     echo "sorry none is the same!";     //break;   case 50:     echo "hello6";     //break;   case 2:     echo "我是2号出口";     break;   case 5:     echo "我是5号出口";     //break;   case 6:     echo "hello61";     break;  }  echo "<br/>"."成功退出····";  echo "<hr/>"; ?> 

